i finally figured out what’s messing my poop (way way back from childhood)

Primal Thinker
4 min readNov 3, 2020

It’s been weeks since my poop hasn’t been behaving and I finally figured out what’s messing it. You might have started your biohacking journey with bulletproof coffee or butter coffee.

Probably, you’re experiencing same unfortunate events like me. So in this story, I’m going to share with you how bulletproof/butter coffee is connected to a messy poop.

Bulletproof Coffee vs Butter Coffee

First, let’s breakdown the difference between bulletproof coffee and butter coffee.

Bulletproof Coffee ingredients

  • Bulletproof Coffee Beans (free from mold toxins, lab-tested)
  • Grass-fed Butter
  • Brain Octane Oil (Pure C8 MCT Oil)

Butter Coffee on the other hand:

  • Coffee Beans (not lab-tested, high probability of mold toxins)
  • Grass-fed Butter
  • MCT Oil (Can be combination of C8/C10/C12)

The main difference between bulletproof coffee and butter coffee is the quality of coffee beans and MCT Oil used.

Coffee Beans

Bulletproof coffee uses a higher quality of coffee beans free from mold toxins. This is important because mold toxins cause inflammation, jitters and anxiety. Different people react differently to mold toxins.

In my experience, I get annoying jitters, anxiety and even depression when I drink bad quality coffee. I also get gassy and I feel weak. In a previous story, if you can’t get hold of Bulletproof Coffee beans, I enumerated tips on how to scout for high-quality coffee beans.


Brain Octane Oil is a subset of MCT Oil family. MCT stands for medium-chain triglycerides. MCTs are usually extracted from coconut oil.

The number after ‘C’ indicates how long the chain is. The shorter the chain is, the lesser your body needs to process it. That means it’s easily absorbed by your body, thus up-regulating the production of ketones. Ketones fuels up your brain, so it’s a great combination in your coffee to wake you up in the morning.

Brain Octane Oil only contains C8 which means it’s superior to normal MCT oil which could contain C8/C10/C12. It’s readily absorbed by the body the moment you ingest it.

Okay, so what messed up my poop

When I started my bulletproof journey by drinking butter coffee first thing in the morning, I started with 1tbsp of MCT Oil (combination of C8/C10/C12).

And during these times, it felt good and like my body is tolerating the MCTs. I even incorporated it with my lunch or dinner and all the cravings are gone. It really makes you full.

But, I wanted to upgrade to the premium MCT containing only C8. So I bought one from a local distributor of C8 MCT oil (can’t find Brain Octane Oil here).

I was excited mixing 1tbsp in my morning coffee. But then I observed my poop is not getting any better according to Bulletproof Poop Guide.


I’m usually #5 / #6 / #7 in the spectrum. The bad poops! And it all points to either inflammation, leaky gut and not enough good gut bacteria.

It makes sense because when I was a kid, every year I’m admitted to the hospital because of asthma and pneumonia. And of course, I had to take antibiotics. Antibiotics kill both the bad and good gut bacteria.

I figured my gut health is not that strong to handle pure C8 MCTs.

What’s in it for you

If you’ve been a sick a lot during childhood and took antibiotics, chances are you need to build your gut health.

#1 Starve the bad guys

Guess what bad gut bacteria loves! It’s sugar, yes. So cut back on carbohydrates and sugar, see what it does for your inflammation and gut health.

#2 Feed the good guys

Fiber. Fiber. Fiber. Especially cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, brussel sprouts. Don’t forget to cook your veggies first as they might contain anti-nutrients such as phytates and oxalates.

#3 Take it easy on MCTs

I never really understood whenever Dave Asprey says “disaster pants” talking about the dose of MCT. Hahahaha. Now, I do.

His recommendation is to start with 1 teaspoon first and build up from there. I immediately started with 1 tablespoon (3 teaspoons) and there you go, disaster pants.

I may have to repeat #1 and #2 more and more to build my gut health so it’ll be able to handle MCTs better and better.

Okay, that’s all I have for you! I hope you find this helpful. And remember that your gut health is associated with brain health and your overall health.

So take care of your gut!

Thanks for reading.



Primal Thinker

Life is like code, you spend majority of it debugging. 🤷🏻‍♀️